Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week 1 Results: Hands 50/100

These are in no particular order, I just felt like doing the colored ones this week.
1) Paint Sketches - Used my fave combo, only yellow, blue and red. Tried to exaggerate
shapes at this point as I had already drawn many hands and felt comfy trying
out something new. (Water colors and graphite pencil)

2) 1 Minute Gestures - Quick penwork to get the general jist of things. Should
probably do ten of these daily... (Brush Pens)
3) Markers and Pencil Crayons - I think these are my favourite. Had fun
trying out a new style, something I might implement in future projects.
(Copic Markers as base and pencil crayons)
4) Realistic - Most boring of the bunch. I probably did at least 20 of these. Second hand is my fave. 
A friend posed for it. Thanks Marco! (Oil Based Pencil)
5) Digital - Considering how much I detest painting in PS, I'm pretty happy
with how these turned out and with the fact that none too more
than 20 minutes to do. The last 4 in the top row and the second in the bottom
row are my faves. (Adobe Photoshop CS)

Here are some of the references I used:

Drawing the Head and the Hands - Andrew Loomis
Drawing Dynamic Hands - Burne Hogarth
These two artists have made many fantastic books (which you can
download as pdfs by doing a quick google search buy on some website) 
Their styles are drastically different but they break things down to the 
smallest details. 

Hugo de FaucompretGobelins 2012 Portfolio (Accepted)
An amazing artist who got into the school this year. Referenced
his watercolor sketches. Will reference a ton more I'm sure.

Pierre VanderweedThe Mey Me Monster
An animation student at Sheridan. His improvement
over his time at school is ridiculous. Check out his
early work to compare. Referenced his hand sketches 
for style inspiration. 

That's it for today. Good luck on your's little lambs!

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